We care about our country. We believe in the importance of community and are standing together to be sure our town is the town that our Founding Fathers designed. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment for all individuals whose common goal is to the Constitution. This is an online information resource website for you. No memberships, no dues, just a place where locals can connect, share, engage in community and build relationships. We look forward to meeting you.
We are new and we are different. Your welcome to join in on car rallies, get-togethers, local events, and be a part of a connecting group of Patriots. We don't host speakers. You are the speaker. Come to share your research or ask questions to others. Sign up with your email to receive announcements. The US has always been great because the LOCAL citizens came together and took a stand!
Can you see the control that big corporations have on us? Support small businesses so Georgetown does not turn into a town of corporate chains! It happens everytime a city grows. Find our local patriotic farmers who do not use chemicals to destroy us, but use humane and proper techniques that take care of our land, our animals and assist in getting us healthy again!
Are you prepared for a local weather emergency? Are you aware of the local food pantries, housing assistance programs, and shelters to help anyone in need? Do you know the basic skills for self defense? Are you able to spot human trafficking and do you know what to do? Do you have skills to share with us? These local resources will be updated weekly.
If the news is fake, where should we look to find the truth? There are now hundreds of podcasters onlne, so who are we to believe? We listed the most popular, the ones that have millions of followers. We are trying to keep it simple and will monthly update these lists. Be open. See who resignates with you. Be sure to do your own research.
Local patriots have spent months looking for healthy USA products, purchasing them, trying them and recommending the ones that work well. From water purifiers to vitamins to first aid products to deodorants, we are constantly looking for the USA good ones. Please email us if you have reviewed a good product. Let's support small biz in the USA!
If you would like to add a business, farm, event or or an idea to this website, PLEASE let us know. This website is based on democracy, with everyone giving their input. We are creating it FOR you and BY you. It will grow just like our country originally did. For the people. Just click the link below to reach us.
Sign up to hear about any upcoming events or updates.
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