Be connected. If our internet goes down or our cell phones do not work, how will we communicate? Come to our meetings and find out. Get on our email list so we can contact you. Click the CONTACT button above.
The Caring Place on 2001 Railroad Ave is a great place to get food for those in need. Also, please consider stocking food for one month in case of an emergency event. This gives us enough time to reach each other for a plan. See Health tab above for more suggestions.
A great resource is On this site, you will learn how to make a plan and build a kit. There are videos to inform you how to prepare for a weather event. Click the photo above for a link to their emergency documents checklist page. Click Health tab for more.
If you see something, say something. Be aware of your surroundings and people around you. Tell someone if you are going on a hike. Let someone know where you are at all times. Keep an emergency card with contact info on you at all times. More tips will be given at meetings.
For local city weather emergency shelters, go to For information regarding homelessshelters, go to . Come to the meetings to find out where the patriots are meeting in case of an "event".
The Key2Free in Georgetown ( is doing an amazing job serving adult female survivors by providing housing, care and life skills. Another great resource is If you want to know if there are registered sex offenders in your neighborhood, go to .